
things I can't live without + a cute picture of DJ holding an umbrella

This post is going to make me sound so materialistic and probably really ridiculous, but yolo its Tuesday. Which literally doesn't mean anything but I do what I want. But really there are just some things you can't live without, right?

I can't live without my phone. Sorry not sorry, I'm addicted. If I didn't have my phone I wouldn't be able to text DJ and then I would be sad. If I didn't have my phone I wouldn't be able to check Twitter and find out that US Airways is tweeting nudies. If I didn't have my phone I'll miss all of the important phone calls I get (you know, because I get so many). If I didn't have my phone I wouldn't be able to text in group chat with Kailey and Carissa and that would make me sad because they're the shit.

Starbucks. Like honestly I tried to give it up because I spend too much money on it. But I think I only lasted like...a week. I don't know what it is about Starbucks, but I really love their coffee more than anyone else's. It tastes better. Starbucks is the way to my heart so if you want me to love you just get me an iced soy chai. PS this picture was in Germany at the end of the trip when we finally got to go somewhere that had a Starbs. I was dying without it.

I can't live without countdowns. I love countdowns. They make the time go by so much faster and when I'm away from DJ we love having countdowns until our next reunion. Its so fun seeing it turn to "29" (like it did today) when it feels like just yesterday it was at 60.

I can't live without music. I'm always listening to it. I can't drive in the car without it, I listen to it in the shower, and while I'm walking to class. After a long day, loud music is the best stress relief. I love finding new songs I love, and I usually listen to the same song over and over again until I'm sick of it though.

I can't live without my boyfriend. Sorry but we all knew that was coming, right? Like I literally don't think I could live without him. Even when he's at work and I can't talk to him all day, I'm sad. When we're apart, life is so not as fun. He makes me happy when I'm down, he calms me when I'm stressed, and when I'm freaking out or going crazy hearing him tell me everything will be okay makes me feel so much better. He's my rock and I cannot wait to be with him forever! He makes everything so much more exciting. He's perfect for me and I'm so beyond happy I never have to live without him!

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  1. I can't live without my iphone too, mainly because that's the only means of communicating with people out of reach. I've been through a day without my iphone once and it was such a blur. I didn't know the time, I was bored, I couldn't get information on the go.. total nightmare, haha. I can't live without Starbucks too, especially with the warmer weather coming ?! Helllllo, Berry Hibiscus and Mocha Frapps!

  2. It took me about 2 solid months to kick my Starbucks habit (I was going 4x a week and my fiance was like "no"). FINALLY I don't think about it every. single. day! My Starbucks Kcups make it a little easier but it's really not the same!!

  3. WHERE ARE OUR NICKNAMES? that playlist is awesome. im still scarred from that picture. countdowns are my shiiiiiiiit because what is life if you're living in the moment and not waiting for the next big day. i count down my birthday from the 100's sometimes even more hahahahah and i think im done now kbye love you have a good day get some starbucks.

  4. I can't live w/o my phone or music either. I honestly don't know what I did before I had a cell phone. You're too young to remember those awful times. ahaha ;p

  5. Shut up. I drink a soy chai latte too. Thanks for the shout out grilled breezy, I think you're the shiz too.

  6. I love your countdown blocks. What a cute idea!

  7. i love that you can't live without your boyfriend. i couldn't live without my husband. i just couldn't!

  8. I don't know what I would do without my iPhone.. how would I get a hold of people?! Those countdown blocks are super cute! I love your list!
