Making decisions. Have you seen that vine about asking a girl where she wants to go for dinner? Yeah, that's literally me. I don't know why I cannot make a decision to save my life. It's actually really bad and something I need to work on.
Instagram captions. Okay, so. I'm really bad at coming up with clever Instagram captions so I usually just put one word describing the picture. They're lame and my friends make fun of me for it. But its the picture that counts, right?
Typing. Thank God for spell check and auto correct because I can't type to save my life.
Accepting compliments. I just get awkward when someone compliments me. I've gotten used to it from DJ. But at first when he would tell me I'm beautiful or something I'd just get really nervous and say "no you are!" or something dumb.
Parking. I took DJ's truck to the store the other day and I hard to re-park like 6 times. Oops.
Eating healthy. I'm on poptart #3 as I'm writing this.
Finishing things / sticking to things. I've already almost given up on this post like ten times. Frankly, I'm surprised my blog has lasted this long because I get bored of things really fast and usually move on to the next thing within a few weeks.
Watching movies. I get bored really easily so whenever we watch movies at home I just talk a lot and don't really pay attention. Unless its Bridesmaids. Then I quote the whole thing.
Whispering. Can't do it. I'm a loud whisperer.
Growing out my nails. I'm bad about biting them, but before I came to Montana they were really long. I was so proud of them because my nails are literally never long. But then at the airport I accidentally cracked one and then they all went to shit.
Yay for long lists of things I can't do. DJ and I have some exciting things planned this weekend so I'll be back to update you on those soon! What are some things you just really suck at?
I always get bored while watching movies as well. And deciding where I want to go for dinner is never an easy decision for me!
ReplyDeletehaha i am awful at decisions too and it frustrates boyfriend to no end!
ReplyDeleteI am completely awful at making decisions! It's ridiculous how indecisive I am. And the idea of my eating healthy is don't even want to know how many poptarts I eat each week...
ReplyDeleteI'm so indecisive when it comes to making decisions! Going for dinner with me tends to turn into a headache unless you already have decided where we are going. Oh, and it would help it I've been to the restaurant before orrrrr I'll spend about 15 minutes stressing over the menu.
ReplyDeletehahaha teriyaki hickey!! I suck at eating healthy too. Overrated!
ReplyDeleteHow in the world do you pack for the whole summer in under 40lbs?!?
ReplyDeleteHahaha! I suck at accepting compliments too! You're not alone on that.
ReplyDeleteDoes packing light even exist!?! I don't know what that means because I always overpack. I just think of all of the scenarios that could happen and what outfit I would need.
ReplyDeleteI'm a loud whispers and I suck at accepting compliments too! They can just be so awkward, and you never how to reply to the person. Haha.
ReplyDeleteI also used to be bad at accepting compliments. I didn't know how bad I was until someone pointed it out...Now I just try to smile and say thanks.
ReplyDeleteNo woman is good at packing light. It's whatevs. But you're perfect even though you just wrote about things you're bad at.
ReplyDeleteUm, it's scary how many of these I suck at too!! I am seriously the most indecisive, worst parker and compliment accepting person you'll ever meet!