With finals coming and everything, I've been stressed so for now I'm blaming it on that. My life has just been so uneventful I feel like I have nothing to talk about. I'm really hoping that when I get to Montana I'll be so excited to share all of the fun things we're doing and I'll be super motivated. Fingers crossed guys. Speaking of Montana, I officially leave in less than three weeks! Three weeks from yesterday to be exact. It couldn't come faster- I'm going crazy without him! Life is so much better when I'm with him and I'm beyond happy that I get to spend all summer with the man I love! This is the time in the countdown where I start making packing lists which I never actually look at while I'm packing. I start planning the outfit I'm going to wear on the plane which usually changes the morning of. I plan my Starbucks run at the airport. I picture our sweet hello over and over again. It makes my heart so happy. But this is also the point where time seems to slow down. The past two months have sped by, but I can already feel these last few weeks slowing down and it drives me crazy. All I want is to be there. It's so hard to live in the present right now. All thats happening at the moment is studying, homework, work, and counting down until summer. I just have to get through these three weeks (20 days yay).
Oh, also. I gave up giving up gluten. Aka I'm eating it again. I've been so bad about both dairy and gluten, and dairy really kills me. So I'm focusing on that and in the meantime I'm going to go back to a little gluten. I've been having trouble finding things to eat for lunch that you don't need bread for. So I'm back to sandwiches sometimes and toast with my breakfast. Yolo. And I bought smores pop tarts. If you don't like smores pop tarts we can't be friends, sorry.
So there we have it another post about my two favorite things- my boyfriend and food. What have you been up to lately?
nothing much going on with me. But tomorrow well....I see my sweetie after 2 or 3 months and i'm happy about that. All I hear in my head is the song "Because my happy." Go watch on my blog. Just posted a cute video of it and been blogging several times today :p check em out. Have a great evening and a great rest of the week.
ReplyDeleteYour motivation IS elsewhere...AKA GroupMe-ing with me and K Camp ;) . Yay GroupMe!
ReplyDeleteI love how your blog looks. It's so cute!! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm commenting from my phone since work sucks so I can't see everything you changed but I LOVE the gold yay! &I agree with c town
ReplyDeleteI have been the same way lately with blogging. Not that I don't love blogging or anything but have been so distracted from it. Love the new look :) Your blog is always so cute !! You have a great eye for blog design !!