
happy birthday!

Hi loves! Do you know what today is? Yes, it's Wednesday, but not just any Wednesday. Today is my handsome man's birthday!! Yep that's right, DJ turns 23 today! I'm wishing more than anything I could be there with him on this day. At least next year, and every year after that, I'll be with him for his birthday! Which is so exciting to me. But what else could I talk about on a special day like this? Nothing, really.

It's crazy to me that we've almost been together for a year and a half. It's almost been an entire year since I visited him in Germany, and it's the second birthday he is celebrating since we've been together. Where has the time gone? We've accomplished so much and grown so much as a couple this year. Sometimes it just amazes me that we even ended up together. The guy that used to come to my birthday parties. The guy that used to beg me to play with my cash register, and I wouldn't let him.
The guy who tried to steal my Barbie backpack!

The past year I've honestly been happier than ever before. He treats me like a princess and makes me feel so special. Not a day goes by that I don't feel loved. I know that he would do anything for me, and that's such an amazing feeling! It makes my heart so happy that I get to start my forever with him this year. Eight months and I will be done with school, packing up my car, and heading up north to Montana. Eight months until I never have to say goodbye to him for more than a few days again. Eight months and our long distance relationship will be no more. I can't wait.

He's such an amazing man. I mean sure, everyone says that about their boyfriend. But I've really never met anyone like him. I'm so unbelievably proud of him, and I'm so proud to call him mine. He's so mature, kind, and smart. He makes me laugh and he loves me like I never thought I could be loved. He's handsome, he's a gentleman, and he's so easy to talk to. He's my best friend. I am honestly so lucky that I'm in love with my best friend (thanks Jason Mraz). I hope everyone gets to experience a love like we have at some point. Every girl deserves to be treated like a princess.

Sometimes I'm crazy. Sometimes I'm a mess. I stress out about my future and even about school right now. Sometimes I want to quit. No matter what I'm going through, he's there for me. When I'm upset about something, all I need is to hear him tell me it'll be okay. When I'm freaking out about graduating and going to grad school, he assures me that I can do it. He never lets me forget that I'm capable of doing anything I want. He supports me, encourages me, and he believes in me. What more could I ask for?

I think about my life with him and my heart gets so happy. We have so much to look forward to together and I can't wait to share it all with him. Getting married, buying our first home, getting our puppy! It's all so exciting. I couldn't imagine doing all of that with anyone else. I can't wait to spend my life loving him.
I'm so lucky.

Happy Birthday DJ! I love you with all my heart!

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  1. So sweet! Happy Birthday to your honey! You are adorable together, and I completely agree that every girl deserves to feel this kinda love! It's the best.

  2. That's so cute that y'all used to know each other when you were little! Y'all are presh :) I wish I knew Joshua, but then again from what I've heard, he was a little monster so I probably wouldn't want to date him if I knew him back then haha

  3. This is the cutest post I've read all day. Your blog is always filled with so much love, it's amazing. Happy birthday to him and I cannot wait for you two to start your forever together :)

  4. Aww so sweet! Happy birthday to him!!

  5. You two are so great together. Happy birthday DJ!

  6. Happy birthday to your man friend!!! ;)
