Hi there! Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. My name is Brianna and I'm so happy that you're here. I'm a soon-to-be college graduate living in Arizona. I'm a psychology major but after taking a bunch of classes in it I realized that's not what I want to do. It probably has something to do with the fact that I'm extremely indecisive. I'm planning on getting my Masters in a couple of years when I settle back down in Arizona. I'll be graduating in December and moving to Montana. Montana, I know, sounds boring right? It is. So why would I want to move there you ask?
Well, the simple answer is love. I mean, why else would a girl graduate early and move to a state where there's nothing but flat land and bi-polar weather? Anyway. That's my boyfriend, DJ. He's handsome, huh? He's in the Air Force and he's been in Montana for like eight months now. You can go ahead and read our love story here. I love it, but I might be a little biased.

I like math and nerdy stuff like that. I'm obsessed with country music. I have a Starbucks addiction. And In-N-Out. And Chipotle. Worst part? There's not one In-N-Out OR Chipotle in the entire state of Montana. I love anything creative, pink, or sparkly. I run a design site which you can see here. I started this blog in August 2013 as a way to keep myself busy and connect with other women in situations similar to mine with the whole boyfriend being far away thing. 

That was quick and easy, huh? If there's anything else you'd like to know feel free to ask!

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[20 random facts you didn't know about me here.]


  1. Hello! I am so excited you decided to live on the side of my blog! I cannot wait to get to know you more! :)

  2. Nice to "meet" you!
    I just found your blog!
    I am now following!
    I can't wait to keep up and read more!!


  3. Hi :) I just found your blog, and am excited to follow your journey!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Brianna--thanks so much for checking my blog out and following me! That warms my heart. And I got to discover your cute lil blog. I love the thought behind the name :)


  6. Props to you on the long distance relationship! I'm also obsessed with country music. <3

  7. Love this! Thanks for the follow, girlfriend!

  8. I just found your blog on Bloglovin and love it! You have a new follower!

    ~Rebekah @ www.rebekahsramblings.com

  9. I can totally relate (kind of). I'm in a long distance relationship as well, my guy lives in Florida. We both are from Ohio but he had to move to Florida for work and I'm going to college in Ohio so I couldn't move with him. Long distance relationships really test each person as an individual as well as the couple. So grad I found your blog since we can relate.

  10. So cute! Is the chalky pink stuff a brush for photoshop!??!? I want to find one like it but I can't!

  11. so glad to find another AZ blogger. We need to meet up for In N Out sometime!

  12. Hey there! I just found your blog and I'm in love with it. You also have lovely design! I look forward to reading more of your posts :)
    Also, yea for country music!

  13. Hey there! I'm also a lover of glitter, Chipotle, and country music- especially Chipotle!!! Just stumbled upon your blog through bloglovin and can't wait to read more!

  14. Good afternoon.

    I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for an award! Here is the link:


    Stay Beautiful <3

  15. I'm trying to think what I learned in college.
    still thinking.

  16. Hey Brianna! I found your blog from Jordyn's! I also live in Great Falls (not military)! We will have to meet up sometime!

  17. Hi, Brianna
    Here by a lead on Becca's Blog. I have met so many new friends today. Such a refreshing break from FB and photo editing. It's going to be an interesting ride, I can tell.
    Clyde in VA
